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Women have been active for generations, their accomplishments proclaimed at the time, but later forgotten or have been written out of history completely. The theme for 2008, "Women's Art, Women's Vision," was chosen to honor the multiple dimensions of women's lives. The email addresses shown below are also being used to send out one of the same exact scam email messages already seen posted above within this topic: from: infocentrochega.tl. Starting in 1992, the president releases a proclamation every year to direct the beginning of Women's History Month. Initially planned as Women's History Week, it has grown into Women's History Month.
What started as a protest grew into an international Women's Day. On March 8, 1917, Russian women walked out of homes and factories to protest food shortages, inflation and war. March is Women's History month, a time to recognize women's achievements and influence throughout the nation's history.